Semplicemente ispirare e farsi ispirare dalla LUCE. Luce intesa non solo come apparecchi illuminanti o componenti , bensì anche e soprattutto come idee, progetti, forme, non prettamente per il settore illuminotecnico. Poiché è importante trarre ispirazione da altre fonti,le più diverse, le più disparate per poter crescere come essere umano completo, sia personalmente sia professionalmente.
Simply inspire and be inspired by the light. Light not only as lighting fixtures or components, but also as ideas, projects, forms, not purely for the lighting sector.
Since it is important to draw inspiration from other sources, the most diverse, in order to grow as a complete human being, both personally and professionally.
Simply inspire and be inspired by the light. Light not only as lighting fixtures or components, but also as ideas, projects, forms, not purely for the lighting sector.
Since it is important to draw inspiration from other sources, the most diverse, in order to grow as a complete human being, both personally and professionally.