Philips has written a case study about C Luce renewed lighting of their headquarter.
C Luce installed the Evolution SM projectors with the latest symmetrical optical systems.The same projectors with two optical systems in each luminaire, and MASTERColour CDM-T Elite MW 70W lamps were also used. These projectors were fitted with Philips MASTERColour CDM-T Elite 315W lamps. To accentuate the main entrance, four Reverse MC projectors with MASTERColour CDM-T Elite MW 35W lamps were installed.The same projectors with two optical systems in each luminaire and MasterColour CDM-T Elite MW 70W lamps were also used to illuminate the four vertical areas of the facade. Both projectors are top-of-the-line models in C Luce’s high-tech lighting portfolio and, thanks to their elegant shape, are ideal for illuminating high-impact areas. The lovely white light completes and enhances the whole impression and lends the entire building a handsome appearance.***
Philips ha dedicato un articolo ( case study) a C Luce in occasione del rinnovato impianto di illuminazione della sede principale. La nuova illuminazione è stata realizzata in parte con proiettori asimmetrici EVOLUTION e in parte con i nuovi proiettori architetturali della famiglia REVERSE sia nella versione mono che nella versione bi-lampada. Come fonti luminose sono state utilizzate le nuovissime lampade Philips a ioduri metallici Mid Wattage da 315 Watt e MasterColor da 70 e 35 Watt a testimonianza del lungo e stabile rapporto in essere tra le due aziende e che ha portato C Luce a scegliere Philips come partner per questo progetto.